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ACS parteciperà al Big Science Business Forum 2022

ACS @ Big Science Business Forum | OCT. 4-7 2022

Angelantoni Test Technologies' high vacuum technology expertise at the Big Science Forum 2022 in Granada, Palacio de Congresos, from 4 to 7 October.

We use vacuum technology to design and manufacture the renowned ACS thermal vacuum chambers that make us the undisputed leader in the aerospace testing sector. Achieving vacuum conditions - i.e. a physical situation in which the pressure is lower than atmospheric - is used in many industrial, technological and scientific fields

This is in fact the case of the ITER nuclear fusion project - find out more - which involved Angelantoni Test Technologies for the design, production and installation of a Vacuum and Pure Gas Injection System for the MITICA experiments - a 1:1 scale prototype of the core reactor injector for nuclear fusion - and SPIDER - a source test system for the production of Deuterium ions extracted from plasma. 

Big Science Business Forum 2022

The business-oriented congress bringing together Europe's leading research infrastructures, focusing on technology and aiming to be the main meeting point between research and industry, will be held in Granada this year.

This will be the second edition for the BSBF, following the success of the first edition in Copenhagen which, in 2018, brought together over 1000 participants from more than 500 Organisations from 29 countries. 

Angelantoni Test Technologies will be present at stand 45-48 - ILO Italy: CERN ILO for Italy, I floor, Palacio de Congresos, Granada. 

The stand, on behalf of the Industrial Liaison Officers (ILO) network, brings together CERN suppliers and will be a reference point for Italian companies involved in Big Science projects, a sector of excellence worth 10 billion euros.

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