IAC 2024 MILAN - Italy, 14-18/10/2024
The 75th International Astronautical Congress will welcome the whole space community to Milan under the motto “Responsible Space for Sustainability”.
The International Astronautical CongressIAC 2024 is a premier space event organized by IAF, International Astronautical Federation, hosted by AIDAA, Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica, and co-hosted by ASI, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and LEONARDO. It provides everyone with access to the most recent space news and advancements in both academia and industry, as well as networking opportunities, contacts, and possible business partnerships, covering all space sectors and topics.
The Congress will be organized at MICO Convention Centre, the largest conference facilities in Europe.
This year Italy will also commemorate the launch of its first satellite, the San Marco, 60 years from now. As a result, Italy is now ranked as the third nation in the world and the first in Europe: the hosting of IAC 2024 will be an outstanding opportunity to honor this significant national goal.
The theme “Responsible Space for Sustainability” presents a dilemma: while space-based technologies are essential to a sustainable future of a modern society, space is a limited resource that must be protected for coming generations. The objective of IAC 2024 is to investigate this problem and suggest adequate solutions.
And we're honoured to attend this important event!
Indeed, Angelantoni Test Technologies made an important addition to Italian space history., considering that our first Thermal Vacuum Chamber (TVC) was designed and manufactured in 1988 under the brand ACS and since then we have contributed to the strategic projects of Space Agencies and Companies such as Thales Alenia Space, Airbus Group, Leonardo, RAL Space in the UK, C.I.R.A. in Italy, ESA and TNO in the Netherlands, INTA in Spain, KTH in Sweden, CBK PAN in Poland, ASELSAN, TUBITAK and TAI in Turkey, ISRO in India, KARI in Korea, NSPO in Taiwan, ANGKASA in Malaysia and CONAE in Argentina, and many others.
Furthermore, many recent projects concern sustainable exploration missions, experimenting new technologies and observation from space to develop environmentally friendly strategies to safeguard our planet.
We are enthousiast to present Qbe, a brand-new Thermal Vacuum Chamber, representing a cost-effective solution perfect for meeting the needs of both advanced markets and emerging economies linked to the current trends of miniaturization, weight and volume reduction, and decreased launch costs. With its compact design and advanced features, Qbe offers versatile testing capabilities for cubesats and small satellites.
Visit us at booth Level+1 MN1-C01 where our team of professionals will show you our large range of TVC for component, subsystem, and complete satellite testing.