Space simulation test
High Vacuum Thermoregulation test
Aerospace and aeronautics industry
Standard thermal vacuum chambers (TVC)
ACS chambers for testing aerospace components and products, satellites or equipment used on board the satellites are designed to reproduce the harsh operating conditions that characterize one of the most challenging environments for environmental simulation: space. ACS is able to provide a line of standard space simulators as a result of its vast experience gained by designing and manufacturing this type of environmental simulation chambers since 1988, the year of the first space simulator made for a company in the Thales Group.
The standard line of ACS space simulators includes a range of products with diameters ranging from less than 0.8 m to 1.5 m.
- High quality and extensive experience in vacuum pumping systems;
- High quality black paint with a solution for low outgassing at maximum temperatures (> + 150°C) according to ESA ECSS-Q-ST-70-02C standard;
- Special design of the shroud to withstand maximum heat dissipation (> 5 kW / m2).
- Thermoregulation through the shroud and thermal plate
- High vacuum with turbomolecular pump
- Inspection window
- Hinged door
To consult the standard configuration, fill in the form
- Cryogenic vacuum pump for vacuum up to 10-7 mbar
- Sliding door opening
- Thermal plate installed on the sliding door
- Decontamination plate
Download the catalogue to see the complete list of accessories.
The software for this type of chamber is an application that includes all the functions based on the specifications requested by the customer. The chamber has a built-in control panel for controlling and managing its functions. The chamber can also be controlled remotely using the WinKratos software or an equivalent application.
The line of ACS chambers dedicated to testing on photovoltaic panels includes the three following standard models:
- HVT400
- HVT1000
- HVT2700
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Contact us
- Località Cimacolle 464 06056 Massa Martana (PG) Italy
- Tel +39 07589551