For proper maintenance of your corrosion test chamber
The main points to look out for during maintenance operations of your corrosion test chamber.
General warnings on maintenance interventions
What is really necessary to perform a proper maintenance of a corrosion test chamber inside the laboratory? To guide our customers, and more specifically the regular and extraordinary maintenance workers, we have decided to highlight the main points on which to pay attention during the maintenance.
Among these we find: the way to make the user able to carry out simple operations to check the machine and carry out regular maintenance, the way to avoid unexpected problems and everything that allows you to acquire the necessary knowledge to accomplish everything in the proper conditions.
ACS Dry Corrosion Test chambers have a monobloc construction consisting of removable panels to facilitate access and maintenance operations.
Dry Corrosion Test chambers developed by ACS can perform traditional salt spray tests and incisive stress such as "scab" and filiform" corrosion.

The maintenance operations referred to, with the exception of specific cases, must be carried out under the following conditions:
- Machine switched off
- Test compart temperature equal to ambient temperature
- Wear safety gloves (when accessing the machine compartment. There may be hot surfaces inside)
- Machine disconnected from the water, electricity and pneumatic mains network or other utilities before carrying out any maintenance operation (spray water on any part of the equipment could damage the electrical insulation)
- Supply valves or taps upstream of the machine closed
- Do not use solvents, spirit or sharp edged tools to clean the machine. They may damage the surfaces
To guide our customers, Angelantoni Test Technologies have decided to draw up an "instruction manual" in which you will find the necessary information to carry out:
The regular maintenance is important for ensuring that your dry corrosion test chamber works properly. The manager must check the maintenance tables in order to plan the interventions within the requested time schedule.
Periodically and depending on the use of the machine, it is best to clean it more incisively depending on the condition of the surfaces.