Webinar - Advanced Course for Environmental Test Lab. Technicians 24-25/03
The webinar (in Italian) is free. At the end of the course, a Certificate of Participation will be issued.
The next Advanced Course, scheduled for the two days of 24 and 25 March, will be organized through the Microsoft Teams platform.
At the end of the course a certificate of participation will be issued.
The topic of greatest interest of this edition is undoubtedly the new R472A refrigerant gas, recently presentFFed at the Affidabilità & Tecnologie virtual exhibition, the gas with the lowest GWP in the world for Low Temperatures (-70°C) applications.
As always, the Advanced Course will deal with specific types of tests, in this case the thermal shock tests; will go deep about our management software MyKratos ™ and the interactive remote assistance system MyAngel24 ™; will offer the valuable contribution of a Test Centercase history.