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Online Course Reliability Testing by Angelantoni Test Technologies

"Reliability Testing": the online course for successful reliability tests is back!

ACS and Tecram are pleased to announce the third edition of the course (in Italian) that will be held on October 4 and 5 from 9:00 to 12:00.

The workshop aims at providing participants with a complete overview of Reliability Testing methods.

During the course different theoretical techniques and practical examples will be illustrated, in order to also evaluate real problems, possible solutions, errors and successes.

These are the main topics covered:

  • Basics of reliability testing
  • Definition of a demonstrative reliability test
  • Division of a reliability test into various phases and correct application of each phase in the various stages of evolution of the life of a product / system
  • Sampling sizing - ratio between sample size and number of testing hours
  • Accelerated life tests with qualitative data (HALT, HASS ...)
  • Accelerated testing of quantitative data. Analysis models for different scenarios.

No previous knowledge of the subject is required although some notions of reliability engineering or equivalent will be very useful.

The cost for participation in the WKS03 - Reliability Testing workshop is 239.00 Euro. The course will be held in Italian.

Click here for registering. Registrations are open until 27/09.