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NSPO Thermal Vacuum Chamber: a new record for ACS

ACS Thermal Vacuum Chamber for the National Space Organization NSPO in Taiwan

After building one of the largest Thermal Vacuum Chambers in Europe last year, destined for the British Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Angelantoni Test Technologies has scored a new record order.

Angelantoni Test Technologies will produce for NSPO, the National Space Organization in Taiwan, one of the largest Thermal Vacuum Chambers ever made in the world. The project responds to the national strategic objectives of the agency: equipping itself with a very precise remote sensing instrument satellite, characterized by super resolution and an extremely intelligent environmental surveillance for an increasingly rigorous exploration from space. The ACS Thermal Vacuum Chamber will be able to exactly simulate the conditions of the space in which the satellite operates when it is in orbit, therefore at a vacuum level below 10⁻⁶ mbar and an extreme temperature range from + 150°C to -170°C, for sunlight exposure and eclipse simulations. It will be mainly dedicated to vacuum/thermal testing of FORMOSAT satellite components and payload instruments.

NSPO, a center for innovation and excellence in space technology in Taiwan, equipped with the ACS Thermal Vacuum Chamber will expand and strengthen its scientific research projects for the homeland security - environmental monitoring, disaster prevention and survey - to fulfill and satisfy the integration of environmental test tasks in future space missions for national needs. And also for developing a highly efficient and internationally competitive satellite platform.

The positive collaboration with Angelantoni Test Technologies, since 1988 on the projects of the most important space agencies and companies at international level, is also evident from the common vision with respect to issues of stringent relevance and importance, such as environmental sustainability. Not by chance, this desire is confirmed in the respective company payoffs, “Testing for a better future” for Angelantoni Test Technologies and “Meeting needs of social welfare and people livelihood” for NSPO. The union of reciprocal skills will lead to an ever more detailed and accurate observation of the earth from space, from which to derive knowledge and data for a sustainable use of our natural resources, including the atmosphere, ocean and territory.

Photo: courtesy of NSPO

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