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product configurator
  • ACS - Testing for a better planet

    Introducing our new Discovery My CO2 TRC, where Innovation meets Efficiency, Sustainability and Safety.

    Discovery My chambers with transcritical CO2 cooling system

    With its compact design and advanced features Qbe revolutionizes CubeSat and small satellite testing, aligning with the trends of miniaturization and cost efficiency, catering to both advanced markets and emerging economies.

    ACS Qbe Thermal Vacuum Chamber for CubeSats and small satellites testing
  • News

    Reduction in energy consumption, noise and impact on the laboratory with the same performance!

  • ACS. Testing for a better planet.

    ACS supports its customers’ development and reliability with its environmental test chambers and with flexible, highly efficient and technologically advanced ideas and designs.

  • Innovative and advanced ideas for the automotive industry

    ACS products provide the highest degree of accuracy and precision, thanks to constant updating to meet regulations in the automotive industry, and meet the needs of new technological developments for both R&D applications and for quality controls on components and complete vehicles.

  • Find the perfect climatic chamber for your testing needs in a few simple steps

    • select test type and application
    • set volume, temperature and gradient
    • choose accessories to customise your chamber 
    • send us your request
    • receive a quotation

    configurator for environmental test chambers

Discover all the advantages of our DM CO2 TRC in performance and savings!

New ACS Qbe Thermal Vacuum Chamber for CubeSat and small satellite testing: compact design and versatile testing capabilities.

To meet increasingly demanding customer and regulatory requirements, we have continued to improve product features.

ACS has been a world leader in the production of a wide range of climatic chambers since 1952.

A wide range of standard and custom chambers, for simulating the most diverse climatic and road conditions

Use the configurator for ACS test chamber to find the most suitable solution for your lab's testing needs


ACS has been a world leader in the design and manufacture of a wide range of environmental test chambers since 1952, from simple bench-top climatic chambers for T and RH tests to advanced high-tech systems, such as thermal vacuum chambers for aerospace applications and calorimeters.



Simulated environmental tests are used in many industrial fields to meet specific requirements defined by international standards. By subjecting the specimen to tests, it is possible to improve reliability and reduce the risks associated with the development of new products.
Our main fields of business are:

  • Aeronautics/Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Electronics/Electrical
  • Chemical/Plastics
  • Defense
  • Big Science



ACS Customer Service offers those who purchase ACS climatic chambers a series of personalized services, aimed at updating their management over time, simplifying maintenance activities, and adapting them to new regulations regarding environmental sustainability. Constant attention to the customer is the cornerstone of the most recent MyAngel24™: my support, my safety, my care. Much more than just service.



ACS is known for its wide range of chambers, which are able to reproduce a vast number of simulated environmental conditions, which in many cases can be combined:
  • temperature/humidity
  • vibration
  • vacuum
  • corrosion
  • sunlight
  • sand/dust
  • rain

reproduce all environmental conditions with ACS climatic chambers
Latest news
Chamber CST130/2T “spinner”: 2024 new version

Since June 2024 we have been offering to our clients the enhanced version of our thermal shock chamber CST130/2T “spinner” model.

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Angelantoni Test Technologies will attend Automation and Testing 2025

ACS technology and experience in the design and production of environmental test chambers at A&T, the trade fair dedicated to TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS, INNOVATION, RELIABILITY AND SKILLS 4.0 - 5.0

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ACS is a member of the International Astronautical Federation

Founding members includes organizations from Argentina, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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Collaboration agreement between Eles and Angelantoni Test Technologies

On 6 Dec. we signed a collaboration agreement between Angelantoni Test Technologies and Eles from Todi.

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Large ACS chamber for testing photovoltaic panels in the Certisolis laboratory

"ACS PV10000 SP chamber allows Certisolis to perform Temperature and RH tests on photovoltaic panels in the most extreme environmental conditions”

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New line of CO2 cooling chambers

Improve your research and product development with our new line of CO2 Cooling Subcritical Chambers!

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Dynamometer Drive-in Test Chamber for vehicle emission testing - ACS

One of our biggest Dynamometer Drive-in Test Chamber installed in Beijing and accepted in 2024.

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ACS will attend Space Tech Expo Europe 2024

We are at booth M53 of Space Tech Expo Europe, the top event for professionals working in the space industry on the continent.

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Work with Angelantoni:
discover the open positions

Come build your future with us: working in Angelantoni means being part of a winning team, constantly committed to achieving Excellence.

  • ACS contribution to the Artemis space mission
    ACS contribution to the Artemis space mission

    The ArgoMoon nanosatellite on board the Space Launch System - on its way to the Moon - was made by the Italian company Argotec and tested by an ACS space simulator.

  • Angelantoni Group celebrates 90 years in business
    The Angelantoni Group celebrates 90 years of business

    Giuseppe Angelantoni began business in 1932 and founded his company, which is now acknowledged globally in over 100 countries.

  • Il nuovo gas refrigerante ecologico ACS R472B: we dit again!
    The new ACS “green” refrigerant gas R472B: we did it again!

    R23 is not a problem anymore! ACS has the solution: R472B, the new "green" refrigerant gas for your Ultra Low Temperature applications

  •  ACS CUSTOMER CARE&SERVICE portal: getting closer to our customers
    ACS Customer Care&Service: getting closer to our customers!

    The ACS CUSTOMER CARE&SERVICE portal is online from today!  It's a new all‑in‑one Help Desk, active 24 hours a day, easy-to-use and accessible from our website and App...

Chamber Configurator

ACS provides a climatic chamber configurator for choosing the model that best suits your needs and adding the desired accessories in just a few simple steps.